Exhibitions of Alessandro Giugni

  • Contemporary Venice - 15th Edition 2024

    In July 2024, in Venice, during the fifteenth edition of Contemporary Venice, in collaboration with ACIT Venice - Italian-German Cultural Association, a series of photographs, taken from my work In Silentio et In Spe Erit Fortitudo Vostra. Viaggio nell'esoterismo della Chiesa Cattolica, was exhibited at the Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello

  • ImageNation Paris 2024

    In Paris, during the ImageNation Paris event from May 24 to 26, one of the most important photography events in Europe, an entire wall was dedicated to displaying an excerpt from my reportage on the esotericism of the Catholic Church entitled In Silentio et In Spe Erit Fortitudo Vestra. Viaggio nell’esoterismo della Chiesa Cattolica

  • L'arte incontra il Design - Fuorisalone 2024

    In April 2024, on the occasion of Fuorisalone 2024, 6 of my photographs, taken from my work Neon City, were exhibited at the contemporary art gallery Art Events in the centrally located Piazza Diaz, a stone's throw from Piazza Duomo

  • Milart - MA-EC Gallery

    In March 2024 three of my photographs, Papel Love, La Spirale, Palcoscenico urbano, were exhibited in the international exhibition "Milart" held in Milan at the well-known art gallery MA-EC. On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, my photographs were awarded the Focus Milano prize in recognition of the quality of the works exhibited

  • Metamorfosi. Un viaggio interiore attraverso l'arte

    From January to February 2024, two of my photographs, Flusso di Anime and Io sono la Vite. Voi siete I Tralci, taken from the work In Silentio et In Spe Erit Fortitudo Vestra. Viaggio nell’esoterismo della Chiesa Cattolica, were exhibited at the Spazio Arte Tolomeo as part of the international art exhibition Metamorfosi, aimed at intimately investigating different interpretations of the human soul, exploring themes such as personal growth, human connection and inner transformation

  • The Wall

    In December 2023 nine of my photographs from the work In Silentio et in Spe Erit Fortitudo Vestra. Viaggio nell’esoterismo della Chie a Cattolica were exhibited in the international exhibition "The Wall" held in Milan at the Milan Cultural Center in Largo Corsia dei Servi, a few steps from the Duomo

  • Fiorino di Bronzo alla Fotografia - Premio Firenze XL Edizione

    On Saturday 16 December 2023, in the spectacular setting of the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, the award ceremony of the XL Edition of the Florence Prize, a prestigious international award given annually to literary and visual works from all over the world, took place. During the event, in the presence of the highest Florentine authorities, I was awarded the Bronze Florin for Photography for my work "Flusso di Anime" from my work In Silentio et In Spe Erit Fortitudo Vestra. Viaggio nell’esoterismo della Chiesa Cattolica. The Photograph was exhibited in the Salone dei Cinquecento in the form of an original Fine-Art print on baryta paper in a 30x45cm format

  • Premio Fondazione Amedeo Modigliani 2023

    In November 2023, my photograph Human Absence was included in the list of 17 finalist works for the Amedeo Modigliani Foundation Prize 2023.

  • Trieste Photo Days 2024 Finalist

    In October 2023 my work In Silentio et In Spe Erit Fortitudo Vestra. Viaggio nell’esoterismo della Chiesa Cattolica was included by Magnum photographer Jérôme Sessini among the 19 finalist projects of the Trieste Photo Days 2024.

  • Premio dedicato a Pierpaolo Pasolini - ARTinGENIO MUSEUM - Pisa

    On 12 December 2022, at the ARTinGENIO Museum in Pisa, my photograph 'Protetti dalle Ali della Libertà' (Protected by the Wings of Liberty) was awarded the prize dedicated to Pierpaolo Pasolini for the photography section by Aurelio Amendola, a well-known Italian photographer, and became part of the exhibition held at the same museum from 13 December 2022 to 27 January 2023

  • Fiorino D'Argento alla Fotografia - Premio Firenze XXXIX Edizione

    On Saturday, December 3, 2022, in the spectacular setting of the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, the award ceremony for the XXXIXth Edition of the Florence Prize, a prestigious international award given annually to literary and visual works from around the world, was held.

    During the event, in the presence of the highest Florentine authorities, I was awarded the Silver Florin for Photography for my work "Human Absence," which was exhibited inside the Salone dei Cinquecento in the form of an unprecedented Fine-Art print on baryta paper in a 30x45cm format

  • Catalogo dell'Arte Moderna n. 58

    In November 2022, a double-page spread in the Catalogo dell'Arte Moderna no. 58 (one of the most important and longest-lived art catalogues on the international scene) was dedicated to my photography and my artistic career

  • L'Instant Ephemere

    In November 2022 nine of my photographs from the work "Colors Suspended in Time. Geometries of an Island" were exhibited in the international exhibition "L'Instant Ephemere" held in Paris at the art gallery Le Bonheur Est Dans L'instant


    In April 2022, six of my photographs from the work "Colori sospesi nel tempo. Geometrie di un’isola" were exhibited in Venice at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello during the international exhibition "Anima Mundi 2022 - RITUALS".

  • Artisti d'Italia. Mostra di Arti Contemporanee

    In March 2022 two of my photographs were personally chosen by the critic Vittorio Sgarbi to be exhibited in Monza at the Villa Reale on the occasion of the exhibition, conceived and curated by the well-known critic, entitled "Artisti d'Italia. Mostra di Arti Contemporanee".

  • ART NOW - Numero VI - Anno IV

    In January 2022, the well-known art magazine ART NOW dedicated a page in its November/December 2021 issue to my photograph 'E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle'.

  • Premio Internazionale d'Arte: Maestri a Milano

    In January 2022, one of my photographs ("E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle") was awarded the International Art Prize "Maestri a Milano" by the editors of the art magazine ART NOW and presented at the Teatro Manzoni.

  • Catalogo dell'Arte Moderna n. 57

    In November 2021, a double-page spread in the Catalogo dell'Arte Moderna no. 57 (one of the most important and longest-lived art catalogues on the international scene) was dedicated to my photography and my artistic career

  • Sulle tracce di San Carlo - Personale

    To celebrate the naming of the renovated reading room in the library of the Zaccaria Institute after St Charles Borromeo and the canonical recognition of the numerous relics of the saint that the Barnabites have kept in the convent of St Barnabas for over 400 years, I was commissioned to create a photographic project on the most famous member of the Borromeo family.

    The exhibition was inaugurated on Thursday 4 November 2021 in the presence of S.E.R. Mons. Mario Enrico Delpini, Archbishop of Milan.

    From Friday 5 November to Saturday 4 December, the exhibition "On the trail of Saint Charles" was freely open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.

    The exhibition was accompanied by a book, the preface of which was written by Prof. Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Milan Polytechnic.

    It is also possible to purchase a limited edition of 50 copies of the aforementioned book accompanied by a fine print of the photograph "Mano Benedicente" made on Hahnemühle Museum Etching® paper, 350gr/m2, 100% cotton fibre, produced with Epson UltraChrome K3 pigmented inks. The photograph is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

  • Every End Is A New Beginning

    In October 2021, 4 of my photographs were exhibited in the international exhibition "Every end is a new beginning" held in Paris at the Groupement Intensité exhibition space.

  • Venice Photo Lab 2021

    In October 2021, two of my photographs were exhibited at the prestigious UNISVE venue in Venice on the occasion of the international exhibition Venice Photo Lab 2021.

  • Premio Modigliani

    In July 2021, one of my photographs ('E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle') was awarded the Modigliani Prize, an international award in honour of one of the most appreciated Italian artists in the art world, and exhibited from 24 to 30 July at the historic Terrazza Frau palace in Spoleto.

  • Venice Photo Lab 2020

    In October 2020 three of my photographs were exhibited at the prestigious headquarters UNISVE in Venice on the occasion of the Venice Photo Lab 2020.

  • Treviso Photographic Festival 2020

    In September 2020 three of my photographs were exhibited in the Cloister of San Francesco in Treviso on the occasion of the Treviso Photographic Festival 2020.

  • I Mille di Sgarbi. Lo stato dell'arte contemporanea in Italia

    In February 2020 a photograph of mine was personally chosen by the critic Vittorio Sgarbi to be exhibited in Cortina d'Ampezzo at the Museo d’Arte Moderna Mario Rimoldi on the occasion of the exhibition, conceived and curated by Sgarbi himself, entitled: "I Mille di Sgarbi. The state of contemporary art in Italy".

  • Paesaggio Italiano. L'Infinito tra incanto e sfregio

    In October 2019, two of my photographs were personally chosen by the critic Vittorio Sgarbi to be exhibited at Recanati at Villa Colloredo Mels on the occasion of the exhibition, conceived and curated by the well-known critic, entitled "Paesaggio Italiano. L’Infinito tra incanto e sfregio".